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People often assume that the nomad part of Nomad Capitalist means you have to be constantly going all around the world. But that’s not necessarily true. If you want to travel all around the world and drag a suitcase behind you, that’s cool. But what Adrew found is that he eventually wanted more stability than what the perpetual traveler lifestyle could offer.
He also discovered that the seven and eight-figure entrepreneurs we work with also want the stability and productivity of living in a set number of home bases. That’s why we came up with the idea of the Trifecta.
The Trifecta Strategy is both a lifestyle planning tool as well as a possible tax planning tool. One of the key factors to successful lifestyle design is to not only know the places you would like to visit but also to answer these questions:
• How much time would you like to spend in each place you want to go as a Nomad?
• How much time does each base deserve?
• How much time do you need in each short-term place you visit to get settled in, feel comfortable, and be productive? In this video, Andrew shares how to live in three places and save taxes.