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Ever dreamed of living in Europe? Many of us have.
However, Europe's stereotypically high tax rates have turned many successful entrepreneurs and investors away from the idea in search of zero-tax countries in the Caribbean, Middle East, or the Pacific Ocean.
Here's the deal: while living in Europe and living in one of the countries with the lowest taxes is a rare feat, it is possible for almost anyone to live in Europe full-time and pay low taxes on their income… even if they're not a millionaire. We're not talking about living like a digital nomad. Sure, it’s possible to spend three months in the summer living in Europe, then spend another few months further south in a country like Serbia.
So long as you don't establish tax ties in any one country, your only concern is making sure you aren't on the hook for taxes in your home country. However, as we increasingly work with seven- and eight-figure business owners, one recurring theme we hear is the desire for a home. For many successful people, dragging a suitcase around the world isn't their thing.
They want a (nearly) full-time home and the benefits of minimal taxation. That's where low-tax countries come in.
In this video Rusudan, our Chief Financial Officer, shares five countries with the lowest taxes in Europe.
The Nomad Capitalist is the world's most sought-after expert on legal offshore tax strategies, investment immigration, and global citizenship. We work exclusively with seven- and eight-figure entrepreneurs and investors who want to "go where they're treated best."
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Nomad Capitalist has created and implemented plans for 1000+ clients and helped them to go offshore, keep more of their wealth, and enjoy an unprecedented level of global freedom. Our growing team of researchers, strategies, and implementers add to our ever-growing knowledge base of the best options available. We've built our team around our holistic approach to serving the needs of globally-minded entrepreneurs and investors.
Our growing team of researchers, strategies, and implementers add to our ever-growing knowledge base of the best options available. In addition, we've spent years studying the behavior of hundreds of clients in order to help people get the results they want faster and with less effort.
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DISCLAIMER: The information in this video should not be considered tax, financial, investment, or any kind of professional advice. Only a professional diagnosis of your specific situation can determine which strategies are appropriate for your needs. Nomad Capitalist can and does not provide advice unless/until engaged by you.