In today's introduction, Andrew shares a prime example of why investing in quality services and people will always be worth your time. Good services do not come cheap, but there are a ton of benefits in the long run when you pay a pretty premium on trustworthy and honest people. At the end of the day, your time is valuable, so find people who are able to make the most out of your time.
Key Takeaways:
Andrew's Editorial:
[1:30] How has Andrew saved a lot of money by paying more to begin with?
[2:50] Andrew thinks Malaysian real estate is a bit too expensive right now.
[5:15] Once you pay someone a couple of thousand dollars, you've committed yourself.
[8:00] Andrew doesn't recommend his clients invest in Thailand. For himself? He'll take the gamble and see where it goes.
[10:10] Andrew shares a story on why paying more goes a long way for your money and for your sanity.
[18:05] What should you do when you're going overseas and things are a mystery? Andrew has a two-part philosophy.
[21:05] Your time is valuable, so you have to find people who can make the most of your time.
[24:30] How did Vyacheslav get started as an entrepreneur?
[26:40] Why did Vyacheslav pick Canada to set up shop?
[27:50] It's very challenging to be an entrepreneur in the Ukraine.
[32:50] Is Canada a better option for people in the U.S. who are upset with the way things are being run?
[37:35] Is Canada a good place to go to if you're looking for funding?
[39:35] How has having two passports helped Vyacheslav?
The Lightning Round:
[40:50] One business – A marketing company that caters to startups.
[41:35] One country – Canada.
[42:00] One book – Traction by Gabriel Weinberg.
[42:50] One tool – Todo List.
Listener Question:
[45:30] Getting a Greek passport in 3 months, is this possible?
[48:40] The Greek government is broke.
[51:20] Greek passport in 3 months? It's probably a scam.
[52:40] Cheapest and fastest isn't always the best.
Mentioned in This Episode: